If you need our technical support to trouble shoot the system on server or client, please do following steps.

1. Download Remote Control software

  1. For Windows or MacOS platform, Download the software. Select your Operating System platform, download it and launch it (no need setup and install).
    Windows Platform  |    MacOS
  2. Graphical Installation for Linux Distribution
    1. Redhat / CentOS, download the software from  RedHat/CentOS Linux
      Input the command from Terminal application: sudo rpm -i teamviewer.i686.rpm
    2. Ubuntu/Debian, downlaod the software from Ubuntu/Debian Linux

      Input the command from Terminal application: sudo dpkg -i teamviewer.deb

2. Call our Hotline 23075234 and give us your Teamviewer ID and Password.

Teamviewer QS

3  Our Engineer will connect to fix your system on PC/Server remotely.